Field application configurations

4-Pole Magnet
- Computer controlled rotating magnetic field (manual control with hand-wheel on control panel is also possible)
- For in-plane magnetic field
- Superposition of DC and AC fields at different angles
- Supported on a magnet holder with adjustable height, independent from sample holder
- Water-cooled

Perpendicular Coil
- Generates magnetic field along the direction of the objective axis
- Field strength up to 100 mT
- Supported on magnet holder with adjustable height, independent from sample holder
- Water-cooled

Perpendicular Electromagnet
- Generates magnetic field perpendicular to the sample surface (i.e. along direction of objective axis)
- Field strength up to 950 mT
- Supported on magnet holder with adjustable height, independent from sample holder
- Water-cooled

Single Sheet Magnet
- Magnetization stage for domain observation in electrical steel sheets in Epstein geometry (30 x 300 mm, sheet thickness variable) and amorphous and nanocrystalline ribbons of usual geometry
- Flux closure by laminated yoke
- In-situ application of tensile stress up to 100 MPa
- Pickup coil for measurement of AC hysteresis loop
Temperature Manipulation

- Temperature range: 4 K – 325 K
- Especially adapted for the needs of Kerr microscopy: the sample is fixed by thermally conductive glue on an elongated cooling finger
- Observation through a glass window
- Cryostat can be used together with evico magnetics rotatable (“standard”) magnet and perpendicular coil
- Sample size: < 9 mm circular diameter
- Stage table, xy-shift by approx. ± 5 mm
- Long distance objective lenses (20x – 50x, corrected for glass window)
- Additions: temperature measurement and regulation system, isolation vacuum pumping system, liquid gas transfer line, vibration-damped pump stand etc

Optical heating stage
- Temperature range: 300 K – 890 K
- Especially adapted for the needs of Kerr microscopy: the sample is mechanically fixed on an elongated heating finger
- Observation through a glass window
- Stage can be used together with evico magnetics rotatable (“standard”) magnet and perpendicular coil
- Sample size: < 9 mm circular diameter
- Stage table, xy-shift by approx. ± 5 mm
- Long distance objective lenses (20x – 50x, corrected for 1 mm glass)
- Additions: temperature measurement and regulation system, isolation vacuum pumping system, liquid gas transfer line, vibration-damped pump stand etc
Sample Positiononing and stabilization

Sample position stabilization (piezo-stage based)
Kerr microscopy strongly relays on digital image processing and especially on difference-imaging technique, thus any tiny displacement of the sample due to time drift of in-field movement may lead to a drastic deterioration in imagining quality.
To overcome this, we have developed an advanced sample holder with integrated Pizeo Stage. Sample, been mounted on this holder can be moved in all XYZ directions by approximately 80 microns, and special software traces any feature at the sample surface (defect or structure element) and if any displacement is detected, it moves the whole sample holder back to initial position, thus making imagining with subtraction possible
- Movement rage 80 microns in XYZ directions
- Automatic position stabilization in XY plane
- Automatic and manual in-situ focus adjustment
- Compatibility with in-plane coils and out-of-plane electromagnets
An example of the application of the sample stabilization to domain observation in NiFe film element is shown below: The observed live image is disturbed by sample movement in XY plane and later the quality is restored by counteraction of the piezo stage.

DOMMIS: Texture-Analysis tool

Special tool in the software, designed for the semi-automatic determination of the (main) orientation angles of individual grains in Goss-textured FeSi transformer steel by domain analysis