Advanced light source
evico magnetics has developed a light source, based on the 8 ultra-bright LEDs. Utilizing the novel setup all three components can be imaged separately under computer control. It is available in a monochromatic and an dichromatic configuration

In-plane contrast enhacement
When the LED illumination in an evico magnetics Kerr microscope is operated in an advanced (pulsed) mode , the Kerr sensitivity on in-plane magnetized materials can be improved. In this mode, domain contrast can be achieved on challenging materials or samples with very rough surfaces, which also enables highly sensitive MOKE magnetometry on such samples.

An in-plane sensitivity of the Kerr sensitivity, been derived in Selective sensitivity in Kerr microscopy, reaches the ultimative value of 4.2 · 10−5 radian or 2.4 mdeg.
The contrast separation and sensitivity enhancement in the Kerr microscopy is further addressed in Relevant technical publications and in the following paper:
Selective sensitivity in Kerr microscopy (I. V. Soldatov and R. Schäfer, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 88, 073701 (2017))